Things take time

And there is simply no way around it

My beautiful view on my hike this weekend

Let me say that again:

Things take time, and there is simply no way around it.

So why not embrace that fact, buckle up and get comfortable for the long haul?

(Ok, ok. This is way easier said than done.)

In a world of instant gratification, we think if we don’t see results within ourselves or our lives immediately, something is wrong.

But we are not Amazon Prime! We are divine beings in human bodies! đź‘Ľ

Things that are soul-affirming and life-giving usually don’t arrive to your doorstep next day. We have to know the difference between our instant gratification in the material world, and the timeline of our soul.

This doesn’t mean that there can’t be wins along the way, but this “final destination” that we all have in our heads and are trying to find any shortcuts to is far in the future, if ever actually arriving.

I have been pulling cards on this subject for years (because this is something I struggle with almost daily!) and the message is always the same:

You have to find the abundance or results you are looking for in what is happening around you right now.

Trust me, this is the most annoying message in the world, but it comes through time and time again and I think that means we have to listen.

It’s hard to understand why things aren’t happening faster when you really need more money to pay your bills, or when the debt is stacking, or when your kids are in need, or when you are in need, or when you are still having the same issue over and over…

But I will say I know this in my soul, and the cards keep telling me this, too:

If you are growing even a smudge, if you are seeing the slightest improvement, if you are feeling even just a little more clear…even if you still have bad days and down times (those aren’t going away ever!)…

…even if it’s just a tad here and there. You are getting more confident in how you communicate. You are making $50 more a week then you used to. You feel more connected with your partner. Whatever it is…

You are on the right track. And there are milestones to be celebrated.

But in our high-technology, capitalistic, unnatural state of the world, we look at slow progress as no progress at all. In a world where we are taught nothing is enough, how can we ever feel gratitude for what is?

What has helped me is looking for the little pieces of good, and seeing how I am in fact making progress, maybe just not at the lightening speed we have all gotten accustomed to with the internet and technological advancement.

Though we have made so many advancements and discoveries, I do think there is one thing we have yet to figure out how to manipulate—and that is our own human nature, and our connection to the divine.

And in the divine, there is no timeline.

We have created a false reality around us, tricking us into thinking we can have anything at the drop of a hat and we simultaneously have no time and also the ability to make more time with force.

But the truth of our human experience is that things unfold at the pace they are supposed to, not at the pace our egotistical desires and ideas of what should be happening.

I have been sitting with this idea for years. It is still so hard to sink into. But when I really try to stop and look around at what has changed for me, I can see the success I am yearning for so deeply. It’s progressing day by day right in front of me, just not in the fast and flashy form of what I see on Instagram or Tik Tok.

I find most of my spiritual evidence from nature.

Some of my favorite stories to read are ones about a species coming back from near-extinction after decades or even a century, or a piece of land destroyed by human greed coming back after careful and loving restoration.

But keep in mind, this is never after a year. Or two, or even 5.

The headlines have greater timelines than that—20 years, or even 100!

But with time and patience, change happens, and it’s so beautifully exciting and magical when it does!

I like to think about all the time between the moment of “despair” in these stories and the moment the restoration starts to be recognized.

It obviously doesn’t just happen overnight.

I’m sure there are quite a few years where you can barely tell a difference of any change. Where a few trees or plants pop up, and then maybe die off from a forest fire or a bad storm or flood. Then a record year of growth, followed by more bad weather.

But enough momentum eventually builds to what we can see and celebrate today.

And even then the journey isn’t over. There is always more growth, more life coming in, more abundance always available. The destination is never reached, and that is actually a good thing. The sky’s the limit.

And remember, you too are part of nature, and you too can have a long journey, with lots of wins along the way, and quite a feat to celebrate.

Wherever you are right now, remember that you are in the process as we speak, and if you look around, I bet you can find so much evidence of the very real change that is happening.

So good things do take time, but the views along the way are amazing—so don’t forget to look!



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