- Sarah Rebecca Cook
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- You are not your habits
You are not your habits
Happy Full Moon in Virgo
Today is the day after the Full Moon in Virgo, which is also the last Full Moon of the astrological calendar year. Spring will start on March 19th, with the beginning of Aries season. Astrologically, this is the beginning of the New Year, not January 1st as many of us celebrate.
It makes sense that springtime leading into the fiery season of Aries is when new beginnings should be sprouting, not the dead of winter when the sun is setting at 4pm and we are just fighting to get through the short, dark, depressing days.
If you are feeling like you are just now starting to emerge from your shell, feel hopeful again, and some of these warmer days are invigorating you: now is a great time to harness some of that energy and set yourself up for the year that you hope to have.
On Friday, I pulled a general tarot card for the collective and I got the Devil reversed, which, of course, (as tarot always is,) was spot-on to the energy of the Full Moon in Virgo.
As I laid it down, this card softly said to me: “you are not your habits.”
Here’s what I believe that means:
You may catch yourself saying “that’s just how I am” or “that’s just how I do things,” or “I can’t help it,” when a certain habit or trait is brought to your attention. We can often hear this in regard to over-working, over-giving, over-spending, addictions and other habitual actions that may not be serving our greatest good.
It is easy to wrap a bow on a habit of ours that isn’t necessarily productive by blaming it on genetics, our astrology, our Myers-Briggs or “that’s just how we are,” because choosing a different path takes a whole lot more work.
However, addressing our habits with this definitive attitude of no ability to choose another way completely strips us of our power. It strips us of creating the life that we truly desire.
The real trick is taking your little quirks and personality traits that you know you are inclined to, and instead, make them work for you, not against.
The Full Moon in Virgo invites you to take stock of what is working, what is not, and create a plan to pave a new path.
If you have the awareness to call out a pattern (“This is just how I am, I’ve always done that, I’m just a fill-in-the-blank-aholic”), you have the ability to change the pattern.
Unhealthy and unhelpful habits and patterns only continue in our lives because they have never before been checked and redirected.
You have the power to do that at any time, but I must say, right now the astrology is on your side.
However, real change takes effort and action, not just thoughts with good intention.
A redirection isn’t about the hours put in, but the intention and plan made.
This morning I spent just a few minutes finally getting my ducks in a row around some long-term day-to-day logistics that will ultimately set me up to have the business and life that I want. I created a schedule for myself that finally feels realistic, PLUS, I made sure to sync all of my calendars so my availability will be accurate, ensuring I am not double-booking myself.
For the longest time, I was just winging it and felt frustrated when I wasn’t seeing the results I desired. I was also expecting certain results (aka consistent results,) without being consistent at all 😅🤣
Yet, I was doing exactly what I mentioned above—falling into my Ennegram 4, Aquarius rising self, making excuses saying “I dOn’T wAnNa Do It LiKe EvErYoNe ElSe. I dOn’T lIkE sChEdUlEs.” 🙃
But when push comes to shove, I don’t like the results I am getting, so I had to take a hard look at things.
I am naturally a quite spontaneous, go where the wind takes her kinda gal (if you haven’t figured that out yet), who needs flexibility in her day-to-day.
But with that in mind, approaching myself with compassion, yet firmness, I was able to figure out a plan and schedule that is low-commitment, yet hella consistent, to get me to where I want to go.
Results from your changes may not come immediately, but honestly, as we enter the fiery Aires season, I wouldn’t be surprised if you see some significant changes quicker than you anticipate.
So I ask you, what is that thing that you just keep letting yourself off the hook for because “that’s just how you are,” but isn’t really getting you to where you want to be?
We all have at least one, and I’m curious which thing you’re gonna call out this time around the sun so you can pave a more empowered path.
To new powerful habits and the 2024 that you really desire,
PS. Want to deep-dive into creating new routines and schedules that will serve your highest good? Asking the tarot for guidance around this is powerful and allows you to tap into your deepest desires and blocks. Book a reading and let’s dive in.