When does this become unacceptable?

This may sound funny, but I often think about when something that is perfectly “acceptable” for a child to do then crosses past the boundary of “unacceptable” for an adult? (which then leads me to the topic of when do we become official “adults,” which is a whole other topic entirely)

To some, this may seem like a totally immature thought. And maybe I really have a little growing up to do still.

But seriously though, to defend my point–aren’t we all just extra large, unhealed children walking around, pretending that we understand insurance, mortgages and retirement plans to feel better about ourselves?

Let me give you the backstory of why I am writing this to you today:

My best friend’s family pulls a tarot card of the year on New Years Eve for every member of the family (this is a ridiculously cute tradition) and they even pull a card for the pets!

This year, my friend’s dog got “The Eight of Wands.”

When she told me this it made me giggle. I interpreted this message for the dog as having high energy this year, lots of frolicking, running, playing, being a crazy dog! This is much-welcomed after she just had a bout in the hospital!

Then, this reminded me of a time where I read for a child. Now, I didn’t do a real reading–I don’t find that quite ethical. However, she was very drawn to the cards and so I pulled one for her for fun.

What did I get for her? Well, the Eight of Wands, of course!

I had to laugh when I remembered this. I thought to myself, “Is the Eight of Wands just like the child and dog card?” When I pulled this card for this little 7-year-old girl who had convinced her mom to do a full mermaid balayage on her hair, I felt a similar sentiment to my friend’s dog’s message: be crazy, wild, free. Let your energy explode from you. Shine.

Some examples of the Eight of Wands

As all cards can, the Eight of Wands can have a lot of meanings.

However, what stood out to me was this:

When I read this card for adults, it can sometimes convey an “all over the place, doing too many things at once, you need to chill the eff out” energy that often comes with feelings of shame or a “I know I need to get my shit together, I’m all over the place” from the client I am reading for.

Now, I will say I typically actually encourage this kind of energy with my clients and tell them there should not be shame associated with this, even though we have been taught otherwise. I believe that just going with your ideas and excitement, trying stuff out and seeing what sticks is how we figure out our next moves in life. Messy action is what creates momentum.

But even with my encouragement, many of my adult clients shy away from going all in and following the message that my 7-year-old client or my bbf’s dog got: be crazy, wild, free. Go for it and don’t think too hard.

So why can this card make me smile for children and dogs, but make me nervous for the repercussions it may have for an adult?

When does it stop being cute for a person to have 50 different princess gowns, or run around screaming and laughing with their friends, or have 10 different yearly activities they participate in?

Where is the line? Who defines the line? And why the fuck are we listening to them?!?!

Even when an adult is having a tantrum, a breakdown, or dare I say even being a Karen–I have a sense of questioning why we define this reaction as “bad,” even though every bone in my body has been taught that too much expression either way “as an adult” is NOT OK.

But why are we still so afraid of our own energy in motion, no matter what direction it’s going?

This life is hard. Really hard. We are all just swirling around trying to figure out insurance and mortgages, and jobs–oh yea and getting married and raising kids and debating if you even want that, and wondering if you’ll ever retire and then also remembering that there is a genocide happening and then you feel guilty for being stressed by any of it because in so many ways you are lucky.

We have so much energy flowing through us and around us constantly. We are a living, breathing Eight of Wands card.

We can choose to embrace that within ourselves and to use it for our exploration and growth, or we can let it fester and grow inside of us, being a point of shame, one day exploding into full-on Karen mode.

You get to decide if your “all over the place energy” is a thing to be embarrassed of, or is the thing that will propel you forward in life.

So it’s ok if you completely lose your shit one day. It’s ok if you wanna buy 200 oil paints and take over your basement with canvas. It’s ok to dye your hair green at 60. It’s also ok to not know your next move in life, and just go where the energy takes you. Being a little crazy is what makes life fun.

Next time you want to shame your own self-expression, whether it looks like a mini melt-down in the grocery store, or quitting your job to pursue your passion, ask yourself “how would I respond to a child doing this?”

And then give that a try with yourself.

Coming up this Week!

The Full Moon in Leo is this Thursday January 25th @ 12:54pm EST. I will be doing a pick-a-card reading for this moon for premium subscribers. To get the reading, upgrade here.

Also coming down the pike…

February is approaching soon, which means I will be sending out readings for every astro sign for the new month to premium subscribers! Click below to join in and get your reading!

Thank you for being here, always. I appreciate you tons, and would love to hear your thoughts on what a shared today.




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