April Tarot Readings for Your Astro Sign are Ready!

See what this month has in store for you 🌟

I have paused my premium membership for now and am sending these readings to my whole list for the unforeseen future. Enjoy đŸ©·

Check your sun, moon and rising for a full view of what this month has in store.

Ready for a personal reading? Spring is a wonderful time to reconnect and refocus. Click here to book.

Aries: The Star reversed

Aries, contrary to your typical desire of fast-paced action and results, this month looks like a long continuation of slow, but steady upward momentum.

For the month of March, you also got the Star, but upright, and in April you are receiving the same card, only reversed, indicating to me that you need to stay patient and not jump to any conclusion when things aren’t happening instantaneously.

It seems that going with all cylinders on for so long as caused a flat-line and you must realize that repair and redirection will take time.

Invite yourself to continually be present in every moment this month, and not lose yourself in the day-dreaming of what’s ahead. The future will reveal itself naturally as you take slow steps in the direction your soul is calling you.

Taurus: Ten of Swords

Taurus, sometimes harsh realizations can actually be the greatest relief once we get past the initial sting.

Surrendering to what is, and more so, what is not in our control, can actually open us to a feeling of freedom.

I remember the first time I went to an Al-Anon meeting (this is a support group adjacent to AA, for family members and friends that are affected by someone’s drinking or addiction.) I was introduced to the concept of the “three C’s”—

I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it.

This actually provided the biggest sigh of relief I ever felt. The knowing that I was truly powerless over the disfunction of addiction, and it wasn’t my job to come in and save the day. And in fact, I couldn’t come in and save the day. I didn’t have that power. As much as I thought that might pain me, instead, it made me feel free. It wasn’t my responsibility. A weight was lifted.

Once I understood that, I was able to figure out where I did want my energy to go. At first, that was difficult, but then I realized the more I focused on me and what I could control, the “better” my world felt.

Taurus, I know that was long-winded, but this anecdote is the exact message I am getting for you this month:

An acceptance of what is out of your control will invite you to focus back onto yourself and how you can improve your own world.

Remember, this is not selfish—this is simply realistic and also when we tend to matters in our own lives and find improvement there, it will inevitably have a ripple effect for all of those around us. (Please don’t expect a certain result from others, but know that personal growth is powerful beyond your own life.)

Gemini: Three of Pentacles reversed

Gemini, I tread lightly as I write this to you (hehe!) but know that I will never sugarcoat a message as it comes through:

In order to receive support in your life, you sometimes have to be open to receiving it in imperfect, messy ways.

There is a point of being too guarded around how people can show up for you. The truth is nobody is perfect and if you wait until the moment where a person can give you exactly what you are looking for, the support you are yearning for may never come. Yes, sometimes someone can hit the nail on the head and show up perfectly in a situation—but that is rare, and realizing this can be a gift to yourself and your expectations.

Am I saying settle for the bare minimum or poor treatment?

No, not at all.

But having such strict parameters around your heart and who you let in can block opportunities and connections you can’t yet see.

This month, I challenge you to let your guard down, just a bit, and instead of responding with “I’m good,” “I got this,” or “I’ll do it myself

When someone offers their help to you: accept it. Without judgement. Without strict parameters. Without expectations.

Let people surprise you, and also remember that no one can be 100% of all of your needs. It takes a village, and when we can appreciate what someone brings to the table and accept what they can’t, we work better together.

Cancer: Eight of Wands

Cancer, April seems to be a month with lots of momentum! However, this means in all directions.

Whatever you put your energy into this month will most likely multiply, and multiply quickly!

This can be very powerful for you, Cancer. But this also means that being intentional this month is of the upmost importance.

I would keep the boundaries strong, and an eye on the clock with whatever you are doing—being mindful of endless doom scrolling, gossiping or bending over backwards for others 🙃

Make sure however you are spending your time, it is focused in a positive direction, hopefully on your own goals or the goals of your greater community (I am really getting a sense to tell you to be careful of falling down the rabbit hole with the issues of other people! Be aware of time sucks—again, whatever you focus on will grow exponentially!)

Leo: Ace of Wands reversed

Leo, this month your job is to trust the foundation you have laid for the things that you want in your life.

Going out and actively trying to force an outcome to happen will only muddy the waters of your manifestation.

Trust that you were clear on your vision and laid the proper groundwork for your goals.

You may be wondering—”well, what am I supposed to DO this month, then?!”

I would take this time to get really locked-in on the routines you have set in place. If up until this point you have been mostly consistent, this is the month to get 100% CONSISTENT (of course you may not be perfect perfect, but try to take yourself a bit more seriously this month 😜.)

Again, this is not from a place of chasing, forcing, or starting something new out of panic.

You are still playing the waiting game, but just making sure your ducks are really in a row so you are set in prepared for when it all comes to fruition.

PS. I know this isn’t always glamorous and exciting—the waiting game—but keep your eye on the prize and remember this message. Don’t get distracted.

Virgo: Seven of Cups

Virgo, it very much appears like your inspiration and motivation that seems to have evaded you for far too long is finally making its way back into your life. I am a Virgo sun, and very much feel this.

This month, you may feel a stream of ideas flowing into your head, which can be both welcomed (as again I think we have been in a creative down period for quite sometime), but it can also be overwhelming because it leaves us with the question of WHERE DO WE START?!

As these ideas flow to you this month, know that you don’t have to understand how it will all pan out from start to finish.

I would recommend that if you get a ping of inspiration—follow it! Don’t overthink it!

Just this morning I called a local stained glass studio about classes! I’m not sure if I’ll even enroll, but I got the info, and will let it flow from there, which is exactly what I am suggesting to you:

Follow the nudges, see where it takes you, and what is meant to be
will be! And what is not will naturally fall away. No need to force or micromanage. Trust the flow knows where to go. Your job is to follow the hints along the way!

Libra: Nine of Pentacles

Libra, it may sound a little tacky or cliche, but heck, I don’t care! Gratitude works, and that is the message I am getting loud and clear for you this month.

Again, it’s simple, we hear it all the time—but that’s because it WORKS. Libra, I challenge you to implement a 30-day gratitude practice this month starting
today! Whether it’s literally 30 seconds before you get out of bed, or 2 minutes before you fall asleep (I think capping your day on either end in this way is really powerful—shoot, even doing it once in the morning and once at night would be spectacular!), a simple act of reflecting on what IS working for you right now can really give a much-needed change of perspective.

I don’t think I need to ramble on about this one.

We know what we focus on grows. Again, tacky, overused, I know—but true.

So Libra, are you up for the challenge? Might be really fun to see what happens 😄

Scorpio: Mother of Pentacles

Scorpio! ‘Tis the season to trust yourself!

The Mother of Pentacles is someone who has seen some sh*t, for lack of a better phrase.

But with a rough edge of tough experiences comes a wisdom that no one can take from you.

However, the Mother of Pentacles knows how to balance her past wisdom with compassion to not become jaded, but instead to trust herself and her instincts.

This month, I think you may be put in situations where you almost have a visceral reaction to things—where it may feel very clear to you what needs to happen or what the right answer is.

Trust that. This is the beginning of you taking your past and bringing it forward to be something productive and powerful in your life.

You are not a victim to your past, but a student and now dare I say a teacher. You have the ability to lead this month by trusting yourself and being confident in your decisions.

Sagittarius: The Emperor

Sag, I think I’m about to trigger you—LOL.

Growth and meaningful change come from stability, my love.

I know it is far more fun to be wild and crazy and free—not held down by any commitments or obligations

But I have a sense you have felt the long-term effects of flying by the seat of your pants and not holding strong to the commitments that really matter to you—and it doesn’t feel great, either.

There is balance here. Structure can actually create freedom, and I think at this time in your life, you are being called to buckle down, stick to it and get grounded into some habits and routines that will help your long-term dreams.

If you build a steady foundation, you will have the ability to be more willy-nilly when you want to. Take the time now to create that safety net for yourself later.

You’ll get back to your wild self soon enough 😅

Capricorn: Two of Wands reversed

Capricorn! Stop right there, please!

Before you go building up another master plan, can you please make sure you have given your current plans enough time to hash out?

I have a sense that things may not be happening quickly enough for you, and I want to remind you that this is not an indication that anything is wrong.

When we plant seeds in the ground, if we don’t immediately see crops or flowers, we know not to panic. And dang—some of these crops take a LONG TIME! Like pumpkins or melons?! They take almost the whole growing season! But we know to expect the wait. However with our own personal timelines, it’s hard to have that perspective and we don’t always have a guideline of what to “expect.”

I’m here to remind you of that today. That you planted your seeds, and as long as you are continuing to water them, talk to them with words of love, and make sure they have enough sun
something should happen. Nature surprises even the brownest of thumbs, so even if you are feeling doubtful, just keep on keeping on and don’t go to plan B until plan A has had enough time, ok?

Aquarius: The High Priestess reversed

Aquarius, so much of our human suffering comes from our lack of spiritual connection in this modern world.

We are not outside enough. We are not meditating enough. We are not journaling enough, reading enough, praying enough, in community enough, working with our hands and making things enough.

There are so. many. ways. to connect to ourselves and most importantly, the life force that connects us all.

This month of April you are being asked to find those things again and prioritize them—really prioritize them.

So I ask you, what is that thing that makes you feel connected? It may be a few things. For me, I am constantly reminding myself I need to be outside more, and also that art helps me feel connected in a spiritual sense.

However, where I fail is by not actually making a plan to integrate these things into my life—or call myself out when I have the time to.

I know it’s not always easy to find the time, but I also want to remind you it doesn’t have to be perfect, either. Ten minutes taking a walk or praying or writing is better than zero. I know it’s been said a million times but I am here to say it again!

What are you going to re-integrate into your life that helps you feel more spiritually fulfilled? Start with one and let me know!

(I’m an Aquarius rising and for me, it’s 5 minutes of meditation every morning)

Pisces: Nine of Wands reversed and The Fool

Pisces, I’ll just rip the bandaid off with this one. Based off my past few readings for you, you are definitely in a huge personal transformation phase—feels like a complete identity shift, in the best of ways!

I think you are finally getting to a point where the part of your identity as a martyr is no longer serving you in the ways it once did (I told you I am just ripping the bandaid off here.)

Working harder, or being more tired, or being more strapped than everyone else can give us a sense of importance that we sometimes need. But Pisces, I think all of this work you have done on yourself is making you realize you don’t need that anymore, and you don’t want that anymore. You want a life of leisure and ease, and goddamn if you deserve it more than anyone else I know.

It seems like you are at a point of wanting to turn the page. You have done the hard work, not for a year, or two, or 5, but what feels like decades. It’s time for someone else to take the torch and you sit down and rest.

April is a big month of reinvention for you. This can be overwhelming, to say the least. After living with a certain mindset of grind, grind, grind for years, it can be jarring to know what to do outside of that.

I believe April is an opening for you to figure that out.

You may have many days that feel quite unproductive, where you get to the end of the day and wonder how it’s now 9pm but also have no clue how you spent the time. This will probably be a very different experience for you, compared to filled days ending in exhaustion.

Neither one is wrong, or right, and the reality is there is a balance somewhere in the middle that you eventually will find. But now your job is to trust the process of you figuring that out and put as little pressure on yourself this month—you’ve had enough of that. đŸ©·

Much love to you all today and always!

xoxo, Sarah


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